Read between the lines

decade. dancer. monster. answer. wordy. pistol. plastic. crystal.

read between the lines

Seems like someone's cut out a bit of paper from some kind of document... it reads:
|||||| goe |||||||||| otherwise known as 'the little birdie', was known for developing code languages utilized by the ||||||||||||. the reasoning behind his moniker?

error years ago he discovered a way to hide messages within elaborate music pieces. it quickly became his favorite method of 'chirping' to his allies in the prodigy squad known as, at the time, the |||||||||||.

n a m e - 3 1 16 7 18 1 19 fabius pyr balventius (but you'll know him simply as 19 25 14 4 18 15 13 5 "DANDY"))
r a c e - garlean pure-blood (third eye concealed)
h o m e - iden alchemical // the balventius manor (in the mountains, outside of the capital of garlemald) //
p r o f e s s i o n - "Company spokesperson" at Iden Alchemical ( he writes advertisements and jingles //
.--. .-.. . .- ... . / .... . .-.. .--. / -- .
1 22 5 9 13 16 5 18 9 21 13 14 15 4 15 21 2 20 19 14 15 6 5 1 18 19
.--. .-.. . .- ... . / .... . .-.. .--. / -- .
A G E - 3 2
.-- .... -.-- / -.-. .- -. .----. - / .. / ... . . / .- -. -.-- / -- --- .-. . ..--..
.-- . .----. .-. . / .... . .-. --- . ... / .-. .. --. .... - ..--..
p r o n o u n s- he / him
s e x u a l i t y - pansexual
h e i g h t - 6'6"
w e i g h t - 370 290 ponze

a p p e a r a n c e !

= h a i r =
Fabius has pure-white hair that falls down to the small of his back. A keen eye might notice that fluffy strands have an iridescent shimmer in the light.
= p h y s i q u e =
height isn't the only thing he has. while it's rare to see him wearing something revealing, if one DOES happen to see his body they'll notice that his muscles are as toned as a roman statue.
a tl;dr?
he's got something of a swimmer's build. but i'd say he's just a bit bulkier than that.
= n o t a b l e - f e a t u r e s =Fabius’ right arm appears as flesh and blood, but it’s seemingly an entirely different skintone - as if it were taken from another! What’s more, where the limb connects to his shoulder is a mess of staples and stitches.his teeth are filed and sharp, resembling the maw of a shark - chomp chomp - he also has a split tongue!his eyes appear dead and distant, they kind of have the same vibe one might get looking at glasseyes -- sometimes they sound like a camera that's zooming in on something.there are dark patches stitched into his face, giving him a sort of frankenstein-esque appearance.

=R O L E P L A Y - H O O K S=those who frequent pearl lane might notice that this funky little dude talks to the downtrodden and impoverished that linger about in the lane. With a bit of magician showmanship, razzmatazz, and a little exchange of a BONE WHITE BUSINESS CARD... well, he usually leaves with a group of folk down on their luck-- taking them to a place called iden alchemical! what exactly is so alluring about this place?in need of medicine? fabius loudly proclaims that iden alchemical is a wonderful little place for those who can't afford a chirurgeon. invasive surgeries, organ transplants, new clothes, new hair... you name it, they've got it! and at a low, low, low price too! beauty for the price of none!clowning around is one of his favorite pass-times, surely you've heard of the man who hands out little balloon animals and origami creatures!? fabius loves entertaining! he'll also do just about anything to get a rise out of someone, anyone, that means he'll target just about anybody for interaction. honestly it might be a sign of social starvation--- no one is safe from tomfoolery.